Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Gentlewoman...

Already into it's third issue, The Gentlewoman is flying the biannual fashion flag up, up and away. Broken up into quirky interviews and fashion features...Gentlewoman, I love you.Check it out here, and make sure you grab yourself a hard copy for those rainy days...

Valanne x

Alexa Chung for Superga...

Admittedly not the cooooolest brand on the block...but with Alexa Chung on hand to give them a breath of fresh air, they can't really go wrong.

I want her face to be my face please...Thankyou.

Valanne x

Friday, 8 April 2011

Carolina Agents...

I know, I knoooow...my second music post in less than 24 hours.What can I say?? all this sun seems to be squeezing out the classics.

Little Brother - Carolina Agents

Valanne x

Why don't we fall in love...

The first day of summer...

Amerie - Why don't we fall in love

Valanne x

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Thierry Lasry...

With all this lovely weather, we're going to need something to protect our peepers..
Introducing, Tierry Lasry. Whether your shading from the sun or hiding from a cheeky hangover, these little beauts have got it covered.

From £275 available from Browns Focus

Valanne x

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Kate Spade X Adeline Adeline...

Stay City chic in Kate Spades latest collaboartion with American bike legends Adeline Adeline. However, if pea green perfection isn't quite up your street,keep it cute with this little gem...

But there's a catch....

Only available on the other side of the pond.I die.

Valanne x

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Topshop trends film...

The most beautiful in store imagery I've seen in a long time. The visuals, the colours, the concept....bloomin' lovely

Valanne x